A very important piece of paper!
(More TP facts below photo)
Happy Weekend!

Some TP Facts!
TP Surveys:
What 20th century "convenience" is most taken for granted? 69% voted for TOILET PAPER!
*42% say the zipper
*38% say frozen foods
If stranded on a desert island with only one "necessity", what would you choose? 49% of people surveyed chose toilet paper as their greatest island necessity ahead of food.
Do most people hang the toilet paper roll with the sheet over or under? 68% like to hang toilet paper with the first sheet going over the roll, while 25% prefer to hang the first sheet under the roll.
For what other reasons do we use toilet paper? *Nose Care - 61%, wiping small spills - 17%, removing makeup - 8%, cleaning mirrors - 7%, cleaning a child's hands/face - 3% (Charmin.com)
To cover the toilet seat, cleaning glasses (Kimberly-Clark)
How many people does it take to "exhaust " a roll of toilet paper? It takes 71.48 people to completely utilize a single roll of toilet paper.
How many days does the standard roll of toilet paper last in a household bathroom? The number of days a standard roll of bath tissue usually lasts in the most-used bathrooms in the house is five, according to Charmin customers.
What is the average number of toilet tissue sheets a person uses in one day? On average, consumers use 8.6 sheets per trip - a total of 57 sheets per day. That's an annual total of 20,805 sheets. (Charmin)
Are most people "wadders" or "folders" of toilet paper? (Based on a surveyed crowd of 1,012)When it comes to toilet paper, women are more apt to be grabbers and wadders, while men tend to be folders. This is according to a Kimberly Clark survey. July 5, 2000.
*40% fold or stack, 40% wad or crumple, 20% wrap it around their hand.
*52% (Men) & 38% (Women) are "folders", 38% (Men) & 52% (Women) are "wadders", 6% (Men) & 6% (Women) have no preference, and 4% (Men) & 3% (Women) don't know. (Kimberly-Clark)